As the title says, have there been any video games that helped inspire your story? For me, Dragon Age helped me to write my Victorian Fantasy novel, a chant for blood. Played it during a moment of writer's block one summer and felt inspired to work on my story. Fable 3 also, I've played it since I was a kid and I always loved the mix of Victorian and Fantasy.
Not really, but sometimes I build characters or houses in Sims 4 to get a better image of them in my head!
For my current story, no, but it's based on a tabletop D&D campaign I played in a long time ago. I've gone so far as to create character sheets for all the main characters. Which would've been fine if I'd converted them to 5e, but I stubbornly insisted on using 3.5e because that's what the original campaign used 🤣 Every time I have to level them up, I stare at them and wonder why I have done this to myself.
Before this, I was writing pretty much exclusively Persona fanfic, so that whole series was the inspiration. I wrote some Legend of Zelda fanfics as a teenager, but they were very bad and I got rid of all evidence that they ever existed around a decade ago...
Video But table top DnD, yes. Much like namidaame said, the character sheets help a lot. Plus, I am fortunate enough to have some friends who don't mind playing an off session where I hand them pre-made character sheets with a little background, tell them where I am stuck in my story, and then running the game and scenario's my characters might encounter. It really helps me with fight scenes because I can see where my ideas do not work. Plus, other people think differently than I do, which helps my characters feel unique and not like they are all flat creations from my brain.
... um.
*quickly hides the Scrivener file that's several Legend of Zelda fanfics that connect into a giant hypothetical fourth timeline because if Nintendo can pull the Downfall timeline out of their asses, I can pull a fourth one out of mine that at least makes sense*
No, never.
Well, I liked a video game console's form factor so much that I ended up incorporating something like it into my story, and that was before I even thought to actually buy the game console itself.
(it was the Nintendo Switch)
But as for games themselves, not really. I tend not to play games with elements applicable outside their own world and in my own, anyway.
@unoriginality I used to LOVE Legends of Zelda! Especially Ocarina of Time, when I could ride the horse all around Hyrule!
@jasmine Oh, if your favorite part of OoT was getting to ride Epona around Hyrule Field, may I interest you in Breath of the Wild? While not all of the map is accessible to a horse, the BotW map is 40 times bigger than OoT's, and if you complete the DLC, you get a motorcycle that you can use in a lot of areas the horses can't get to. (Yes, they introduced a motorcycle into Zelda smh. You should've heard me when I saw that cutscene. It's delightfully fun to ride, though. Vroom vroom, mfers.)
I've been streaming Majora's Mask on twitch lately, forgot how much I love that game! Been over twenty years since I played that! (Showing my age here.) I'd been doing Twilight Princess before that, but my left thumb developed trigger finger, and the joystick and the d-pad are at awkward angles to each other on the Gamecube controller, and the up button on the d-pad controls the inventory screen, and controlled by the left thumb, so that was out. The N64 controller is more friendly to my thumb. I'm planning on getting to OoT next, but I'd love to do a BotW randomizer soon. That might be rough, with the directional keys controlling so much, but they're not spaced quite as tightly up against the joystick on the Switch joycons as the d-pad on the Gamecube controller is, so we'll see.
... I have accidentally hijacked this post so uh. :D;; Should I go move this to another post?