"Once upon a time (2007, I believe) in NaNoLand there lived many lurkers. The lurkers were lonely, and a bit lost, and decided they should change their lot in NaNo. So one of their number started a thread in the now-vanished Geezerland forum, asking for other reformed lurkers to step out of the shadows.
And step out they did! They were a rather rag tag bunch, and being of-a-certain-age, they had many non-Nano projects running simultaneously. Little projects like, say, life… and knitting … and cooking Thanksgiving dinners for families of 20 or so. These other projects found their way into the discussion, and yours-truly managed to get confused.
Somehow, I thought we were supposed to knit a turkey. The idea was a bit daunting.
When I mentioned this, someone (probably SKneal, she’s just like that) dared me to find a pattern for a knitted turkey.
So I did.
And it was not JUST a knitted turkey, but the most remarkable, sexily astounded WEARABLE knitted turkey you could ever imagine. Witness: The Sexy Turkey Hat (missing)
This most marvelous turkeyness was met with great glee by the reformed lurkers, and found it’s way into at least 15 or so novels that year, all of them gloriously sexy. (I always thought we should have collected those bits and published them in one book, maybe convincing the author of the pattern to participate… but I chickened out (turkey’d out?) and never suggested it. Such a shame)
Since that time, Geezerland has been carved up into several age based provinces, but we pretty much ignore those artificial boundaries of age, and carry on with our inanity regardless
And that’s how the Reformed Lurkers became the Sexy Turkey Hatters.
Gobble… Gobble…
2022 Addendum (since we’re moving into a new forum category):
Since those halcyon days we’ve gathered every fall, to cheer one another on. We’ve retained a core group (mostly) and have welcomed like-minded adults to join. The humor is vintage (we have made ‘depends’ and ‘fabreeze’ jokes) but never vicious. We’re “mature” in age (if not in humor) and will turn anything into a writing dare.
2023 addendum to the addendum: We’re back!
2024 addendum to the addendum to the addendum: We're at Plotterati as Nanowrimo has some serious issues and decided to close all forums at the end of November 2023.
We're glad to have you!